Sri Sugiharti

(Dosen Tetap Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP UNRIKA BATAM)


Adverb is one of  the most important part in learning part of speech. thee adverb  consist of manner, place, time, frequency, sentence, and degree, interrogative and relative. Most of the students just know adverb in the learning process because adverb is sentence, interrogative, and relative are seldom used in the sentence. The research used 40 students as respondent. The result is there is 8 students got very good score, there are 25 students got good score. And the last is 7 students got fair. Thus, the adverb mastery of first semester is good.

Keywords: Adverb, Mastery and English Students

  1. 1.    Introduction

English year by year has been known in Indonesia and taught fromelemnatary schools in some Indonesian areas such as Riau Islands Province and Jakarta City to University. But to teach English is actually very complex. It covers skills that must be mastered if someone wants to more succesfull in mastering English, there are four skills in English learning such listening , speaking, reading and writing skill. We can increase our speaking by conversation, debate, speech, role-play and retell the story. While in listening, we can also listen English song and converse with other people. We can write our short story and unforgettable experience to increase our writing skill. Meanwhile, we can read and understand the contens of the texts to increase our reading skill. We must understand the function of each word of sentence to increase our English knowledge.

To improve our vocabularies, we can also learn kinds of word, for example noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. We can analyze the function and kind of the word that is in the text. We often consider that it is a simple thing and it is not important to be learned. We just look at the meaning of the text and ignore or neglect the function and kind of the words. Whereas, kinds of word are important components in English learning because those are very useful for us when we will express our utterances or write English sentences. The simple example is the differences between adjective and adverb. Thre is some students who is till confused to distinguish between adjective and adverb. This is due to the semilarities, because some of the adverb can be formed from adjective by adding ly at the end. Besides, Nunan (1998:101)mastering second langauge is some students have difficulties, therefore, in masteringa lanaguge skills, some of students have difficulties, suach as grammar in general and adeverb in particular. To master adverb students mostly get bit problem how to distinguish adjectvie and adverb.

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