Implementation of cooperation between the English Language Study Program, Master of Education with the Batam Crane Association

There are many ways to improve the quality of the educational process and results, one of which is by implementing cooperation with external parties. Cooperation carried out by optimizing partnerships between educational institutions and the business and industrial world as well as other user communities more broadly can improve the quality of competitive graduates.

Universitas Riau Kepulauan together with the Master of Educational Management study program and the English Language Education study program carried out the socialization of new student admissions in 2024 as well as the implementation of a cooperation agreement with the Batam Crane Association represented by Mr. Dr. Albert Effendi Pohan, S.Pd, M.Pd.

Early socialization is needed in order to prepare in order to provide academic comfort for outsiders to continue their studies. Furthermore, it was revealed that the acceptance of new UNRIKA students must be a new breath in helping prospective students who want to continue their studies, and hope that prospective students can enjoy the process or at least feel the atmosphere of lectures.

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