The peak night of the 31st Anniversary of the University of Riau Islands fell on July 29, 2024. The entire academic community of UNRIKA attended the Gala Dinner held at the Grand Lotus Ballroom, Aston Hotel Batam & Residence, Pelita, Batam at 15.30 WIB until finished. The event was attended by the Advisor of the Foundation, Mrs. Ir. Hj. Djudju Djuhriyah, Advisory Member Mrs. Dini Anggraini, S.E, M.M., Chairman of the Foundation Mr. Edwin Agung Wibowo S.E., M.Comm., Treasurer of the Foundation Mrs. dr. Ina Farhaniah, S.Sos, M.A., Secretary of the Foundation Mrs. Mutti Anggitta, S.Sos, M.A., Supervisor of the Foundation Mr. Dodi Heru Setio Putro, S.E., and Invitees of the Foundation Mr. Michael Mastroianni Ph.D.

With the theme “Sharpening Creativity, Sharpening Independence and Producing Superior People”, the Gala Dinner was held successfully and lively. Uniquely, every guest who came was required to wear their respective traditional clothes and competed for the 4 Best Costumes that night. In addition to being required to wear traditional clothes, each Faculty, Institution and Educator enlivened the Gala Dinner of UNRIKA’s 31st Anniversary with their respective Performances. The Reading and Presentation of Awards to Outstanding Lecturers and Employees in UNRIKA’s Environment in 2024 was also the final series of this event. The Gala Dinner of UNRIKA’s 31st Anniversary was closed with a group photo by all the guests who attended. With the completion of this Gala Dinner, the entire series of activities in enlivening the 31st Anniversary of the University of Riau Islands also ended.

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