Day 5 Diesnatalis 31 UNRIKA -SOLO SONG

Still in the excitement of UNRIKA’s 31st Diesnatalis, the fifth day was enlivened by a solo singing competition and a Table Tennis Competition that could only be participated by the academic community of the University of Riau Islands. The auditorium was the venue for the Table Tennis match which had started at 14.00 in the afternoon with the categories of single women, single man and double man.

Solo Song was followed by 20 participants who were ready to rock the stage. Participants who took part in the competition consisted of beloved Lecturers from various faculties and beloved UNRIKA Students. Each participant performed 2 songs, namely a mandatory song that had been determined by the committee and a free song chosen by each participant. In addition to being determined by the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners, this Solo Song competition also chose the best Supporters for each participant’s performance. The competition was held very lively and lively by all participants and also the audience who watched the competition.

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