Commodity downstreaming is one of the government’s programs to advance Indonesia’s economic development. KEDAIREKA is an ecosystem that connects lecturers with industry players to collaborate and produce innovative ideas. With this ecosystem, universities are helped to increase cooperation with the business world and the industrial world (DUDI) in synergy to downstream products and research results.

Rekatalks and CEO Mentorship are 1 (two) programs in the Kedaireka Ecosystem which have the role of encouraging partnerships between universities and DUDI in the development of collaborative innovation. To better understand the Rekatalks and CEO Membership programs, the University of the Riau Islands attended an invitation from PMO Kedaireka and Batam International University, consisting of the Chancellor, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sri Langgeng Ratnasari, SE., MM., LPPM Representative and Lecturers, namely Mrs. Asmaul Husna, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Bp. Rasyid Ridho Harahap, S.Pd., M.PdT. After participating in the outreach, outreach will be carried out to Lecturers at the University of Riau Islands.

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