Suswanto Ismadi Megah
Dosen Tetap Progam Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Universitas Riau Kepulauan Batam
This novel tells the poor condition during the industrial revolution due to the power new industrialist who sweep the small scale enterprenours. Dickens himslef views his society as the bad condition because the power only owned by the rich group only. He criticizes poverty in his society and class strugle by using his writing in his novels. In “Our Mutual Friend” told that everyone needs money to survive as the money is the power to do something in the greatly-different class. Eventually, Dickens tells that the upper and the lower class need each others and live harmoniously as he expects.
Keywords : industrial revolution, class struggle, harmoniously
1. Introduction Every human being will convey their ideas by using many media either verbal or non-verbal communication. Novel is one of the literary works which explain the message by using word by words, or sentence by sentnce. The literary work is an expression from a real social life in a community or society. Henry (1987:105) states that literature is not only the efffect of the social couses but also the cause of social effects. Hence, the literary work will influence social life or another words can be said that the literary works are pictures of the real life in a society. Novel is one of the literary works which explain the real condition or imagination of the real society or life of authors. The authors here will convey their ideas by using texts. They will tell real condition either praise or criticize his or her society.